Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Six Biggest New Ideas In Chat

Instant messaging has become a part of daily life on the web. I use several different services depending on what I want to do and who I want to talk to. AIM is great for keeping in touch with old friends, Meebo or eBuddy for signing on anywhere, and Skype for business interactions. I use these different services because of their strengths in certain key features. Companies like Meebo, Skype, Wablet, and AOL-acquired Userplane are pushing these features forward with the next generation of instant messaging on the web.

Real time communication is one of the most innovative sectors on the web today. Below are some of the big ideas emerging in web instant messaging as it stands today and the services that exemplify them.

1. Interoperability
After the initial success of AIM and ICQ, several other chat services popped up. Services like Trillian, Gaim, Adium and Miranda developed hacks to communicate across the different protocols. After a period of “cat and mouse” where AOL fought interoperability by making small changes to AIM, cross-platform interoperability has become a standard feature in most new chat programs. Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger announced interoperability this summer. AOL now has an open development API and Google Talk runs on the open Jabber protocol. Clearly, open standards are here to stay.

2. In-Browser Chat
AIM Express was an early version of chat programs that split away from a downloadable client and ran in your web browser instead. Services like Meebo and eBuddy have developed richer user interfaces by using AJAX and bridging chat protocols. Sequoia backed Meebo (rumored $3-4 million), and Lowland funded eBuddy (5 million Euro) continue to slug is out over this space. Meebo branched out even further by allowing embeddable chat on any website through their MeeboMe widget. Meebo has had steady growth since we covered their numbers last December. Daily logins and message volume have grown 5 times over, at 1.2 million logins and 70 million messages per day. Meebo claims 4.5 million monthly uniques and 700,000 Meebo user accounts. With the uptake in social sites, browser-based IM has brought chat to the places users are on the web.

3. Location Based Chat
Instant messaging programs connect people across the internet. Newer programs like RadiusIM and Meetro, connect people by their real-world location. RadiusIM is an AJAX application, while Meetro is a downloadable client. Both allow you to fill out your location and profile as a way to meet new people in your area, or even another country. Unlike the other developments in chat, location based IM hasn’t seen heavy adoption on other platforms, which continue to connect people based on a user generated buddy list.

4. Flexible Identities
As web personal profiles have grown on the web, so has the need to separate your private and professional faces. While users can handle this problem through managing various IM handles, Flash-based Wablet (our coverage) made profiling a central feature in it’s system. Wablet allows you to create multiple personas with different profiles. You can then embed these chat windows on the web and control which persona each visitor sees. In the near future, Wablet is incorporating OpenID. Chat service ScribbleHere currently works with OpenID.

5. Contextual Chat
Several new start-ups have popped up and changed the context of instant messaging from buddy lists to websites and interests. While similar to the old IRC chat rooms by basing conversations around topics, companies like Me.dium, Geesee, the newly launched InCircles, OthersOnline, and 3bubbles have incorporated your location on the web into chat in different degrees.

3Bubbles is an embed that adds a post specific chat window to every blog post. GeeSee goes a step further and connects users across sites based on tags so, for example, all technology blogs can share a common chat room. InCircles, which is embedded for testing here, operates similarly but is optimized for blog sidebars. OthersOnline and Me.dium incorporate surfing habits to connect users of similar interests. Both are browser plugins. OthersOnline focuses on connecting people who frequent the same websites and have similar profiles, listing similar users in drop-down menus. Me.dium is a bit more anonymous in their approach, connecting users by handle based solely on their presence at related websites. Your relationship to your friends and other surfers is displayed on a “radar” map, which shows you other users visiting the site your on or others like it.

6. Rich Media Chat
Web cams and microphones have been on the web for a while, but the growth broadband, VOIP standards, and mainstream incorporation through services like Skype, Google Talk, and Yahoo! Messenger have expanded their use in chat programs. Skype and Yahoo! support calling to land lines and mobile phones (Skype is free until the end of the year). PalTalk creates voice chat rooms that can host conversations between thousands of people together at once. While voice and video does not lend itself to simultaneous conversations many IM users carry on, rich media integration brings a subtleness and depth absent from text-based IM.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)

A while back, I posted a list of ASP.NET Interview Questions. Conventional wisdom was split, with about half the folks saying I was nuts and that it was a list of trivia. The others said basically "Ya, those are good. I'd probably have to look a few up." To me, that's the right response.

Certainly I wasn't trying to boil all of .NET Software Development down to a few simple "trivia" questions. However, I WAS trying to get folks thinking. I believe that really good ASP.NET (and for that matter, WinForms) is a little [read: lot] more than just draging a control onto a designer and hoping for the best. A good race driver knows his car - what it can do and what it can't.

So, here's another list...a greatly expanded list, for your consumption (with attribution). I wrote this on a plane last week on the way from Boise to Portland. I tried to take into consideration the concerns that my lists contain unreasonable trivia. I tried to make a list that was organized by section. If you've never down ASP.NET, you obviously won't know all the ASP.NET section. If you're an indenpendant consultant, you may never come upon some of these concepts. However, ever question here has come up more than once in the last 4 years of my time at Corillian. So, knowing groking these questions may not make you a good or bad developer, but it WILL save you time when problems arise.

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know

Everyone who writes code
Describe the difference between a Thread and a Process?
What is a Windows Service and how does its lifecycle differ from a "standard" EXE?
What is the maximum amount of memory any single process on Windows can address? Is this different than the maximum virtual memory for the system? How would this affect a system design?
What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?
What is strong-typing versus weak-typing? Which is preferred? Why?
Corillian's product is a "Component Container." Name at least 3 component containers that ship now with the Windows Server Family.
What is a PID? How is it useful when troubleshooting a system?
How many processes can listen on a single TCP/IP port?
What is the GAC? What problem does it solve?

Mid-Level .NET Developer

Describe the difference between Interface-oriented, Object-oriented and Aspect-oriented programming.
Describe what an Interface is and how it’s different from a Class.
What is Reflection?
What is the difference between XML Web Services using ASMX and .NET Remoting using SOAP?
Are the type system represented by XmlSchema and the CLS isomorphic?
Conceptually, what is the difference between early-binding and late-binding?
Is using Assembly.Load a static reference or dynamic reference?
When would using Assembly.LoadFrom or Assembly.LoadFile be appropriate?
What is an Asssembly Qualified Name? Is it a filename? How is it different?
Is this valid? Assembly.Load("foo.dll");
How is a strongly-named assembly different from one that isn’t strongly-named?
Can DateTimes be null?
What is the JIT? What is NGEN? What are limitations and benefits of each?
How does the generational garbage collector in the .NET CLR manage object lifetime? What is non-deterministic finalization?
What is the difference between Finalize() and Dispose()?
How is the using() pattern useful? What is IDisposable? How does it support deterministic finalization?
What does this useful command line do? tasklist /m "mscor*"
What is the difference between in-proc and out-of-proc?
What technology enables out-of-proc communication in .NET?
When you’re running a component within ASP.NET, what process is it running within on Windows XP? Windows 2000? Windows 2003?

Senior Developers/Architects

What’s wrong with a line like this? DateTime.Parse(myString);
What are PDBs? Where must they be located for debugging to work?
What is cyclomatic complexity and why is it important?
Write a standard lock() plus “double check” to create a critical section around a variable access.
What is FullTrust? Do GAC’ed assemblies have FullTrust?
What benefit does your code receive if you decorate it with attributes demanding specific Security permissions?
What does this do? gacutil /l find /i "Corillian"
What does this do? sn -t foo.dll
What ports must be open for DCOM over a firewall? What is the purpose of Port 135?
Contrast OOP and SOA. What are tenets of each?
How does the XmlSerializer work? What ACL permissions does a process using it require?
Why is catch(Exception) almost always a bad idea?
What is the difference between Debug.Write and Trace.Write? When should each be used?
What is the difference between a Debug and Release build? Is there a significant speed difference? Why or why not?
Does JITting occur per-assembly or per-method? How does this affect the working set?
Contrast the use of an abstract base class against an interface?
What is the difference between a.Equals(b) and a == b?
In the context of a comparison, what is object identity versus object equivalence?
How would one do a deep copy in .NET?
Explain current thinking around IClonable.
What is boxing?
Is string a value type or a reference type?
What is the significance of the "PropertySpecified" pattern used by the XmlSerializer? What problem does it attempt to solve?
Why are out parameters a bad idea in .NET? Are they?
Can attributes be placed on specific parameters to a method? Why is this useful?
C# Component Developers
Juxtapose the use of override with new. What is shadowing?
Explain the use of virtual, sealed, override, and abstract.
Explain the importance and use of each component of this string: Foo.Bar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=593777ae2d274679d
Explain the differences between public, protected, private and internal.
What benefit do you get from using a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA)?
By what mechanism does NUnit know what methods to test?
What is the difference between: catch(Exception e){throw e;} and catch(Exception e){throw;}
What is the difference between typeof(foo) and myFoo.GetType()?
Explain what’s happening in the first constructor: public class c{ public c(string a) : this() {;}; public c() {;} } How is this construct useful?
What is this? Can this be used within a static method?

ASP.NET (UI) Developers

Describe how a browser-based Form POST becomes a Server-Side event like Button1_OnClick.
What is a PostBack?
What is ViewState? How is it encoded? Is it encrypted? Who uses ViewState?
What is the element and what two ASP.NET technologies is it used for?
What three Session State providers are available in ASP.NET 1.1? What are the pros and cons of each?
What is Web Gardening? How would using it affect a design?
Given one ASP.NET application, how many application objects does it have on a single proc box? A dual? A dual with Web Gardening enabled? How would this affect a design?
Are threads reused in ASP.NET between reqeusts? Does every HttpRequest get its own thread? Should you use Thread Local storage with ASP.NET?
Is the [ThreadStatic] attribute useful in ASP.NET? Are there side effects? Good or bad?
Give an example of how using an HttpHandler could simplify an existing design that serves Check Images from an .aspx page.
What kinds of events can an HttpModule subscribe to? What influence can they have on an implementation? What can be done without recompiling the ASP.NET Application?
Describe ways to present an arbitrary endpoint (URL) and route requests to that endpoint to ASP.NET.
Explain how cookies work. Give an example of Cookie abuse.
Explain the importance of HttpRequest.ValidateInput()?
What kind of data is passed via HTTP Headers?
Juxtapose the HTTP verbs GET and POST. What is HEAD?
Name and describe at least a half dozen HTTP Status Codes and what they express to the requesting client.
How does if-not-modified-since work? How can it be programmatically implemented with ASP.NET?Explain <@OutputCache%> and the usage of VaryByParam, VaryByHeader.
How does VaryByCustom work?
How would one implement ASP.NET HTML output caching, caching outgoing versions of pages generated via all values of q= except where q=5 (as in http://localhost/page.aspx?q=5)?

Developers using XML

What is the purpose of XML Namespaces?
When is the DOM appropriate for use? When is it not? Are there size limitations?
What is the WS-I Basic Profile and why is it important?
Write a small XML document that uses a default namespace and a qualified (prefixed) namespace. Include elements from both namespace.
What is the one fundamental difference between Elements and Attributes?
What is the difference between Well-Formed XML and Valid XML?
How would you validate XML using .NET?
Why is this almost always a bad idea? When is it a good idea? myXmlDocument.SelectNodes("//mynode");
Describe the difference between pull-style parsers (XmlReader) and eventing-readers (Sax)
What is the difference between XPathDocument and XmlDocument? Describe situations where one should be used over the other.
What is the difference between an XML "Fragment" and an XML "Document."
What does it meant to say “the canonical” form of XML?
Why is the XML InfoSet specification different from the Xml DOM? What does the InfoSet attempt to solve?
Contrast DTDs versus XSDs. What are their similarities and differences? Which is preferred and why?
Does System.Xml support DTDs? How?
Can any XML Schema be represented as an object graph? Vice versa?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

14 things you can learn from the Google story

14 things you can learn from the Google story

The Google Story

  1. Connections - human, computer, biology - are everything. Life = networks.
  2. Never compromise your ideals because someone said it’s impossible, stupid, or a waste of time.
  3. Do focus on changing the world, don’t focus on the money. If you provide value, the money will come.
  4. Have a healthy disregard for the impossible. If someone hasn’t done it yet, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
  5. Money is a problem, not a solution. Money cannot solve your problems, but your solutions can solve the money problem.
  6. Value creativity, not money. View creativity as your company’s true bottom-line, or your company will stop growing and die.
  7. Go against the grain. Don’t believe in other people’s visions for you, believe in your own.
  8. Speed is more important than looking good. A shiny, beautiful car isn’t impressive when it gets overtaken by an old jalopy; the same applies to software.
  9. Organic growth is best. Only grow as fast as you need to, don’t waste money on advertising a product you won’t want your mom to use.
  10. Focus on users above all else, e.g. don’t do something that might annoy your users just to make more money, they won’t forget.
  11. Never betray users’ trust, or anyone else’s.
  12. Spend 20% of your time on blue-sky ideas without worrying about how they will make a profit. If it might change the world for the better, it needs to be done, even if it can’t make money.
  13. Don’t make enemies of your competitors to stay driven. Be driven by your own values and mission.
  14. Beat your own path through the wilderness.

These are the flashes of insight I had while reading The Google Story, please add your own in the comments.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Career Guide: Quantitative Finance

Career Guide

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This guide is a resource for students and advisors. If you are new to the subject area you may find many unfamiliar terms. We suggest that you turn to the material under External Resources and Recommended Texts for help. We have attempted to give a broad representation, and we make no claims of completeness.

On This Page

Perspectives on Financial Markets

We'll try to give a gentle, and somewhat idiosyncratic, introduction to finance and financial markets by looking at them from a number of different perspectives. As mentioned earlier, we make no pretense of completeness and readers are encouraged to follow up with readings from other sources.

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Financial Instruments

Financial instruments or securities are essentially contracts which package capital or wealth in a tradeable form. Financial markets are the "places" in which the buyers and sellers of financial instruments meet. Sometimes this occurs in an actual physical location such as the New York Stock Exchange, within a virtual space such as the NASDAQ or in a decentralized fashion such as certain over-the-counter or OTC markets.

What are sometimes called underlying securities (This choice of terminology will become clearer shortly.) fall into three broad categories:

  • Equities - Sometimes called shares, equities represent ownership,
  • Debt - Debt instruments represent claims against capital and
  • Currencies - The units of money for a nation are its currency.

An example of an equity security is common stock which represent shares of ownership of a corporation. Long-term debt is often represented by a bond in which a corporation sells a bond in return for agreeing to pay the purchaser a series of interest payments over a fixed term at the end of which the original amount loaned is returned. International trade involves dealing in more than one nation's currency and the foreign exchange markets are organized to accomplish this.

A derivative security is a security whose price is determined by the price of some underlying asset or security. We'll cover two of the simpler examples:

  • Forward Contract or Future - A forward contract or future is the obligation to buy or sell a certian quantity of an asset or security at a fixed time in the future.
  • Option - An option is the right but not the obligation to undertake a financial transaction at or by a specified date for a specified price.

Derivatives were originally developed as a means of controlling risk. For example, an airline concerned about the possibilty of a price increase in jet fuel could enter into a futures contract today to receive a fixed amount of fuel sometime in the future. The other side of the trade, to deliver that fuel, might be taken by an oil company concerned about the possibility of a price drop. The contract insulates them against price changes and allows them to plan and price their operations with less risk.

Derivatives generally require less capital than direct investment in the underlying. Thus, they can also be used by speculators to make pure bets on price movements. The structure of derivatives can become quite complex and much of quantitative finance is concerned with designing and pricing them.

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Market Participants

Another way to understand financial markets is by examining the roles of its participants. The most common role is taken up by investors who seek to participate in the economic activity of society by purchasing either units of ownership (e.g., stocks) or by loaning money (bonds). On the other side are issuers who offer such financial instruments in order to raise capital for their operations. Facilitating such exchanges are investment bankers who help to structure such instruments and bring the issuers and investors together.

This initial issuance is done on what is called the primary market. Of course, once such instruments have been issued they can be sold on what is called the secondary market or after market. For example, stockholderes who themselves need capital or who believe their stocks are overvalued can sell them to other investors in the secondary market.

Within the financial markets that are organized to bring investor and issuers together traders enter the picture. Some traders are speculators who are not focused on the long-term economic income or growth, but in exploiting short-term movements in prices, e.g., due to local supply and demand imbalances. Others are hedgers who trade financial instruments in order to reduce their risk, in effect buying insurance against some possible, undesirable, future outcome. Finally, there are arbitrageurs who buy and sell related instruments whose prices are inconsistent with one another.

Facilitating such trading activity are market makers, brokers and banks whose role it is to maintain inventories of financial instruments and bring buyers and sellers together in an orderly fashion.

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Careers in Quantitative Finance

There are many overlaps and synergies in the activities listed below; nevertheless, most quant positions have a specific focus within the firm: to make money by trading the firm’s own capital, to support the frontline traders, to create new financial products, to measure and control risk, or maintain investment portfolios that meet certain objectives. and so forth.

Associated with each area of practice are many complex problems that still remain to be solved. These represent opportunities for researchers in both academia and industry.

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Alternative Investments and Proprietary Trading

Proprietary trading in alternative investments is trading done for the direct benefit of the owners of the firm; this is opposed to agency trading which is trading done for the benefit of its customers. Traditional financial institutions often engage in proprietary trading as an important sideline. Hedge funds, typically organized as limited partnerships, do so as their primary business activity.

Among the alternative investment strategies are convertible arbitrage, various forms of leveraged long-short equity, emerging markets, distressed debt, merger arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, global macro, managed futures, and private equity. Within each category, there are typically sub-categories. As examples, convertible arbitrage can be broken down into capital structure arbitrage, mandatory converts, synthetic puts, volatility arbitrage, and credit arbitrage; long-short equity can be broken down into general long-short equity, dedicated short bias and equity market neutral.

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Trading Support

For trading desks, pricing complex instruments and transactions rapidly and accurately while simultaneously managing risk in manner consistent with firm-wide objectives are critical capabilities. Quantitative analysts provide the mathematical talent required to build and maintain these decision support systems. Both proprietary implementations built in-house and commercial systems sold as turnkey solutions are used. The trading activities themselves may either be proprietary or customer related.

The precise manner in which "quants" are integrated into the trading desk varies from case to case. If a desk is executing trades output from an automated system, then the objective is often not what to trade but how to execute with minimal impact on the market. In contrast, a market maker must match incoming buys and sells and often commits its own capital to maintain an orderly market; in todays markets, volumes are so high and trades are executed so quickly that this cannot be accomplished without analytic support. In other cases, traders operate in areas without well organized exchanges, such a mortgage backed securities, and must be able to run complex models to price these instruments as they negotiate with counterparties.

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Consulting and Customer Support

On the sell side investment banks and other financial institutions provide research reports and other forms of analytical support to their customers. These supports may be provided gratis as a means of maintaining client relationships or stimulating the demand for a firm’s services. A visit to any number of brokerage websites will give you an indication of how pervasive this is.

In other cases, these services may be paid for by the investing organization itself. Companies, universities and other organziations maintain significant portfolios of financial assets in the form of pension funds, endownments and sinking funds (monies set aside to fund an activity or purchase in the future). Smaller firms hire outside consultants to advise them in the management these assets. Larger organizations maintain their own staff of professionals, though they still may use consultants to provide an independent review.

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Product Development

An increasing share of the business undertaken by investment banks has been in the form of exotic options, hybrid securities and collateralized obligations. These products are used to enhance return or to insure against legal, fiscal, regulatory or liquidity risks—some of which are company specific and may require customized solutions.

An example has been the development of collateralized obligations. The most common of these are mortgage-backed securities (MBSs), which break apart a payment stream into sub-deals or tranches, e.g., separating the principal and interest streams, POs and IOs, respectively. In turn, derivatives of these tranches can be created, e.g., in which the yield from a fixed rate IO is swapped with a floating rate.

Other examples include hybrid securities that overlay various fixed income or equity investments with derivatives to enhance yield or create a more tax efficient income stream. For example, a debtor can combine a fixed rate bond with a receiver swaption to give an issuer the benefits of both a fixed and floating rate bond. This structure allows the issuer to retain fixed rate payments if rates rise but switch to floating rate payments if rates fall, albeit with an “insurance” cost.

These products involve complex provisions and are difficult to price. They often demand the assessment of events and probabilities for which there is no or only an illiquid “market”. This difficulty, however, is an opportunity. Financial institutions are in a better position to model these instruments, trade them at an attractive spread, and, as counterparties to many such deals, build internal portfolios whose component risks offset one another.

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Risk Control

Laws and regulations dealing with credit and captial requirements have been around for decades, in certain forms for centuries. However, recent catastrophic, high profile failures of hedge funds and investment banks have led to a call for a more consistent, verifiable, quantitative, firm-wide approach to risk monitoring and control. Firms now recognize that, with the increasing complexity of financial products and markets, the organization's survival depends upon being able to define and enforce coherent risk management policies.

Defining, developing, implementing, operating and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to accomplish this is a demanding task. It requires a deep understanding of a wide spectrum of financial instruments and how exposure to them is financed. There are also significant technical challenges in real-time processing, high performance databases, and visualization.

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Portfolio Management

Portfolio management deals with the identification of financial objectives and their translation into a portfolio of assets that must be managed over time in the face of uncertain investment performance and consumption demands. This is no simple task: There are thousands of potential investments related to one another in complex ways, an enormous number of parameters which must be estimated in a statistically meaningful fashion, and a system of operational, business and legal goals and requirements which must be expressed in a consistent mathematical framework.

Once this foundation has been set down, the challenges associated with making the choice of assets in a portfolio are formidable. Even with the guidance of existing theory, there are many real world issues that complicate the solutions. We are dealing with underlying parameters that are nonstationary and poorly understood and with transactions costs that are highly nonlinear and uncertain. Such complications, in turn, mean that standard single period approaches may be only poor representations of the actual problem.

Individuals in this area may work either as in-house portfolio managers or as outside consultants. Large portfolios such pension funds, corporate sinking funds, and university endowments typically employ both in-house and consulting talent. However, all investors, even individuals managing their 401(k)s, require these services.

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Academic and Industrial Research

There are practical problems that must be solved “well enough” to allow the players in financial markets and in the financial service industries to operate but for which the best available approaches involve compromises that employ oversimplified models because of limitations of theory, available data or computational resources. Modern theories, despite their elegance and utility, fail to adequately account for many of the nuances of real markets. These limitations represent opportunities for the academic or industrial researcher.

风险资本创新,Charles River 推出天使投资计划

美国最古老的风险投资公司之一Charles River ,本周三公布了一项名为“Quick Start”的非同寻常的计划,将为年轻创业者们提供小额贷款,帮助他们将自己的创意和理念转变成商业现实。

Charles River的这一做法打破了传统风险投资的投资模式,开始进入了天使投资领域。

众所周知那些支持创业的个人出资者被称为是天使投资者,他们典型的做法是在风险投资公司介入之前持有创业企业的股份。天使投资者——从象Ron Conway 和Jeff Clavier这样的个人,到YCombinator和First Round Capital这样的小基金,他们通过对于年轻企业的小额投资获得了相当的市场份额。

Charles River的这一天使投资计划是众多风险投资公司试图介入到创业企业创始阶段的诸多尝试之一。

长期从事天使投资、曾经资助过400个创业企业的天使投资人 Ron Conway说“现在许多风险投资公司倾向于做一些小额投资,我认为VC介入到食物链越早越有好处。”Ron Conway表示他还没有有听说过哪一家风险投资公司为创业企业设立了正式的贷款项目。

Charles River这一举动的出台,除了风险投资市场本身的繁荣和激烈竞争之外,也与创业成本的降低有很大关系。目前软件、硬件及宽带横本的下降为创业者提供了更好的机会。正如最近被Google收购的Jotspot的创始人Joe Kraus所说的那样,在他创立Excite.com的时候是300万美圆,而他创立Jotspot的时候只花了10万美圆。他说“对于天使投资人来说这是一个伟大的时代,因为用一点点钱建立的企业拥有实实在在的机会。”

Charles River本身是一家古老的风险投资公司,掌管有18亿美圆的风险资本,拥有36 年创投经验。但在“Quick Start”计划中他们寻求为那些早其阶段的公司提供相对来说是小额的资本(10万——50万美圆),这些公司可能只有一个人、几页PPT或是一个演示产品。这一早期资本可以帮助这些创业者们募集到传统风险投资公司的一系列后续资本,甚至被收购。

该项目由Charles River的普通合伙人George Zachary和 Bill Tai负责运做,根据估计,在接下来的两年中他们将会做20-50家Quick Start 案子。投资门槛非常低,只要Charles River的5位合伙人中有两位合伙人同意,就可以做出决策,迅速决定是否要向创业企业提供贷款。 提供贷款后,Charles River将拥有对该公司提供第一轮风险投资的权利。

这笔贷款无须担保,但有一定的利息,但Charles River这样做并不是为了成为一家银行。Zachary 说“我将这看做是一种做案子的方式,而不是一种以此赚钱的生意。”George Zachary说“我们认为大批公司在得到25万美圆的支持之后会在互联网上展开服务。在一个由少数案宗创造大笔收益的环境下,我们认为有尽可能广泛的选择是非常重要的。”

业界对Charles River的做法反应不一,已经为象 Digg这样的创业公司提供小额投资的Greylock Partners的一位合伙人David Sze说,Charles River这种贷款计划可能会迫使创业者们听命于某一家风险投资公司。他说:“我不确定对于一位创业者而言这是否会有好处。”

尽管如此,对于创业者来说这仍不失为是一个利好消息,无论如何这是一个颇具吸引力的早期资本来源,如果你正在寻求早期资本的支持,不妨试验申请一下Charles River的Quick Start。