Saturday, October 30, 2004


Over the past couple of years, I've read a lot of blogs, and a lot of books, from people who work in Information Technology (IT) or in Knowledge Management (KM). At a KM conference last year, I somewhat timidly suggested to the audience that KM has become the organizational ghetto for the most creative minds in business. I explained that almost everyone I knew in senior positions in KM was brighter and more inventive than their peers, and had self-selected or been hand-picked by management to lead their organizations' KM programs for that reason. There was a belief in the dot-com '90s that knowledge was the critical strategic asset of business, and the gateway to innovation. KM was going to make a difference, and allow people enamoured with creativity and change to lead that change.

A decade later, most people left in KM are disillusioned. The culture of big business has shifted sharply back right, and cost reduction, not innovation, is Job One. There has not been much to show for all that promise and creative ambition. But those in KM should not blame themselves. They were unwittingly set up for disappointment. Executives don't know what to do with creative thinkers, and putting them into KM was, at least in hindsight, a perfect way to 'institutionalize' them, keep them visible as innovation role models but marginalize them so they don't actually do anything, or spend much of the company's money. They are the corporation's lip service to diversity and creativity. The problem is, unless they want a life as starving artists or starving writers, they really have no place to go. They're trapped in this creative ghetto.

When I said this to the KM crowd I expected a lot of push-back, but I got a lot of nodding heads. I'd come to know many of them over the past decade and I knew them to be an exceptional group: Far more imaginative, more intelligent, more right-brained, more stimulated by ideas, more idealistic than their organizational peers. But a lot of them had also been misfits, non-conformists, constant questioners, thorns in the side of their managers, who had wished they would just shut up and do what they were told. KM provided a sanctuary for those driven by ideas, but it was a sanctuary that was starved and marginalized. It was a dead end. I've never met a Chief Knowledge Officer who made it any further up the organizational ladder.

The people who work in KM report to a variety of different bosses -- some of them report directly to a CEO or VP, but most report to a Director of IT, HR/Learning, Marketing or Sales. Those that report to Sales Directors are the unhappiest, because their bosses belong to a totally different culture, driven by short-term results. To many people in Sales and Marketing, KM is synonymous with research, and KM people are just overpaid librarians. Those KM people who report to HR, Learning or Marketing Directors tend to have more sympathetic bosses, but those bosses are going through an unprecedented crisis of their own: The prevailing view in many organizations is that almost everything in HR, Learning and Marketing can and should be outsourced, and if the load can be lightened by outsourcing most of those KM people as well, all the better.

Although the relationship between KM and IT was rocky from the start (they compete for increasingly scarce resources), it has turned out to be the healthiest, safest, and most logical and satisfying partnership for KM people. For a start, IT has a budget, and so much tied up in legacy systems that it's harder to outsource (and even when it's outsourced, it's often insourced again a couple of years later when outsourcing fails to deliver cost savings). IT also has a much greater appreciation than most other departments for what people in KM do, and for the value they provide. They're both parts of 'infrastructure', those back-office guys who are perceived to be eating up the profits that the real workers on the front lines produce.

But what I've come to realize is that one of the reasons for IT-KM kinship is that IT people, too, live in an organizational ghetto. Like people in KM, they are under-appreciated, starved for budget resources, and complete cultural misfits in most companies. It was the IT people in the 90's who, during their brief wave of popularity and scarcity, smashed the 200-year-old business dress code, and as suits and neckties are coming back, are most resistant to their return. If KM people are the most creative in the company, IT people are the sharpest analytical thinkers. They have a passion for their craft, and are the world's best collaborators, but they rarely have the opportunity or the budget to do more than a minuscule portion of what they know could be done, and which could bring real value to the organization. To senior executives (an echelon IT people rarely penetrate -- in most organizations IT is a career dead-end and a revolving door), IT are the menial technical people who make sure the clunky, horribly designed (by senior executive committees), outmoded, centralized information systems spit out their management reports. The revolutions in open source, desktop, connectivity, collaboration and personal content management technology that have been going on might as well be occurring in a parallel universe as far as senior executives are concerned. The only pleasure most IT people I know get from their jobs is working with wonderful, sympathetic IT colleagues. And perhaps they also get cold comfort knowing they're part of the minority in IT who aren't unemployed or working at McDonalds or Wal-Mart since the dot-com bust. Most of them tell me they do their best work outside the office, outside of working hours, online collaborating and conversing with people who appreciate what they can do.

That's fun, and intellectually rewarding, but, let's face it, it doesn't really accomplish much. Although IT people can create wonderful software, quickly, effectively, to accomplish almost any information processing need, it's all really just a hobby. It rarely makes the world a better place. Most of the world isn't online at all, and most of the people online are still struggling with simple things like e-mail. And I don't think that's going to change in another generation: As I've said before, unless a technology is dead easy to use, it will never catch on, will never become mainstream, will never be more than a passing fad. All the social software tools, blogs, and cleverly coded programs that have been and are being developed are just a recreational drug for us, a tiny minority of the population bored with the inanity of our 9-5 jobs. It's largely a hobby destined to be no more significant in historical terms than ham radio, CBing, or scrapbooking. The best that can be hoped is that all this software will ultimately be built into very simple, ubiquitous tools that will allow people to network better, find people and communicate with them more easily, and learn faster and more easily.

Stack those modest benefits up against the crises facing our world today: Poverty, violence and war, disease, inequality, crime, famine, overpopulation, pollution, waste, cruelty to children and to animals, addiction, mental illness, corporatism, lack of access to and poor quality of health care and education, fraud, political corruption, stress, oil shortages, water shortages, spousal abuse, consumerism, tyranny, ignorance, hate-mongering, social disintegration, abuse of power. There may well be answers to many of these problems, but they're not going to come from IT tools developed and used by a small minority separated from the rest of the planet by a vast and growing digital divide. In fact, no one is looking for solutions to these problems. The few people that care about these problems are busy treating their symptoms, mostly as volunteers, and have neither the time nor the resources to address the underlying causes.

Here's my point: For restless and dissatisfied IT people, unlike their KM counterparts, there is an alternative, a career path that could really make a difference: Science-Based Enterprises. Your bright, disciplined analytical minds are desperately needed to develop practical new technologies that can solve the global problems of our world. But instead the majority of you are marginalized in IT, one of the few branches of science and technology that really can't help solve these problems. And paradoxically this is happening at precisely the time when there is more knowledge about science and technology, more power of individual and collaborative enterprise to introduce new technologies at a modest cost than ever before.

Notice I said Science-Based Enterprises, not going to work for a science or technology company or a government or university research facility. Unemployment among science and engineering graduates is, while lower than that in IT or the population as a whole, still quite high. The Bush Administration does not believe in science. They have reduced government spending for scientific and technical research as a percentage of GDP to its lowest level in decades. And both government and private industry have reduced no-strings-attached support for universities, so universities can't afford to pay for more scientists or research either. And the private sector is only interested in profitable, commercial development, leeching off university research and content to produce 'me-too' copycat products. Go to work for a pharma company and instead of helping find a cure for AIDS you're more likely to be put to work developing a stronger version of Viagra.

If you're really interested in making a difference through scientific and technological development, you're going to have to become an entrepreneur. That's not as risky as it sounds: Just follow the advice I've laid out in Natural Enterprise, starting with identifying an unmet need. But I mean a fundamental human need, not a commercial need. We really don't need any more stuff. If the list three paragraphs back doesn't give you enough ideas, I can give you more.

The next step is to do some research, some homework into what really underlies these basic human problems, and talk to potential customers (that would be all of us) about root causes and possible solutions. Talk to other scientists and technologists (and us creative types in KM) about solutions, about what's possible. Ask us what we'd be willing to pay for the solution you have in mind. If it solves the problem, we'll find some way to pay for it. Do all of this before you spend one penny setting up your enterprise. The next step involves making sure you or your partners have the scientific and technical skills to develop the solution. Some of you may have to (or want to) go back to university to get what you need, but I bet you'll find you learn what you need a lot more effectively in the process of simply researching the problem. You know, "most of what I needed to know to cure AIDS I learned in kindergarten". Don't be intimidated by the mystique of higher education, or the complexity of big-business processes -- they're there for a reason, but it has nothing to do with the requirements of innovation or entrepreneurship. The knowledge to do almost anything technical is out there -- you only need to know enough to know where to look, and with your web savvy and your background in IT, that should be easy.

Now, at last, with the knowledge of the solution, and the assurance from 'customers' that there's a market for it, you're ready to set up your Science-Based Enterprise. If you've done it right, you'll probably have people lined up ready to invest. Don't give up control when you take their money.

Why haven't I taken my own advice? I'm one of those creative KM guys. I'm hopeless with the details, destined to come up with tons of good ideas (most of which won't work, but a few of which will) and watch the money and fame go to those who have the patience for, and know how to go about, the details of implementation.

I'm not saying this is easy. Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. But if just a select few of the millions of under-employed IT professionals in the world found the courage to end-run the politicians only looking at the next election, the bureaucrats only looking at their job security, and the corporations only looking at their bottom line, and put their remarkable minds to analyzing and solving some of the world's neglected and critical problems through real science, the world would be a better place. And amazingly grateful. And you probably wouldn't be restless and bored in your job anymore.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

How are databases used at big customers?

This day was focused on 'user' experiences with large database and services. The morning started with talks by people from Google, eBay and Amazon, about their architectures. The Google talk by Anurag Acharya gave an overview of the overall system as we are already know it, with some additional information about how they deal with reliability issues. For example each data structure they use has a checksum associated with it, to handle memory corruption, which is a issue they have to deal with. The Amazon talk Charlie Bell was mainly about how they expose their store through different web services to partners and the general public. There were interesting numbers about update rates and messages sizes between Amazon and partners such as Nordstrom.

The eBay talk James Barrrese was the most fascinating of the three. Lots of detail about the backend, about the software, about the development, etc. Equally interesting where the afternoon talks by people from Swab, NASDAQ and Merrill Lynch, which all gave a look into their backend systems.

I took a lot of notes on all of these talks, and have no time/desire to transcribe them into proper prose, so if you are interested in these raw nodes, read on ...

James Barrese - eBay

How many datacenters: 2 planned to be 5 datacenters.
Update the codebase every 2 weeks. 35K lines of code chances every week.
Rollback of a code update within 2 hours.
Scalability is in the growth 70% or more per year, every year. Hardware and software
Database in 1999 single cluster database on a Sun A3500.
Too much load : moved to no triggers, starting to partition account, feedback, archive, later categories.
Replication of user write and read, batch operations.
Current state: few triggers, denormalization of the schema
application enforced referential integrity, horizontal scale
application level sorting
compensating transactions,
application level join.
Database only used to durable storage, every else in application code
Ebay data access layer: partitioning, replication, control (logical hosts), gracefull degradation,
NO 2PC. 'avoid it like the plague'.
index always available: if one category out still show item, but unclickable.
online move of table if its getting hot.
Centralized Application log sevice. audit, problem tracking;
Search: their own index, real-time update (15 sec) homegrown,
V2: IIS driven with C++, V3: j2EE container environment.
4.5 M lines of code
Adam Richards - Swab

80% revenue goes through compute channels
no downtime allowed
real-time and stateful -> back-end become single point of failure.
High peaks at market open & close -> tremendous over provisioning peak load easy 10:1
Much of the data is not partitionable, multiple relationship between data elements
given the rate of change (1000/month) availability is 'pretty good'
Some technology need to be supported because of acquisitions (archeology)
lack of "desire to retire" anything - investment in new stuff -> complexity goes up
new technologies: organic IT
Isolated islands of data and compute (often religious, sometimes technological)
linkage of island through messaging
60% of project spent on mitigating complexity
lower availability due to complexity
slower time to market
Design: SOA with application bus, request/reply, pubsub and streams
Nobody wants distributed 2PC. Only when forced by legal reason. 2PC is the anti-availability product
Q: clients want datagrade access, but services want interfaces
Q: how to decouple platforms 1) compute - asynchronous but no 2pc 2) data - propagation & caching but no 2PC
Q: how to act when the system is not perfect.
More and more unneeded information on home page, peaks when logon (10's of transactions)
Ken Richmond - NASDAQ

High performance data feed
Top 5 levels of NASDAQ order book
near real-time, short development time
messages self-describing
windows gateway msmq 'channels' partitioned by alphabet of the symbol
SQL server clusters passive-active - failover in 1 minute
SAN storage (EMC)
Multicast fan-out
pipeline architecture, everything should do 'one thing', serialization through single threading (regulation requires FIFO)
sending blocks of messages to SQL server improves performance
biggest reason for app outage is overrun - flow control between the mainframe and intel boxes
entire DB in memory all the time
interface in C++, logging event to Tibco Hawk
Test bed investment is crucial
Saturdays functional testing, Sunday performance testing
10,800 msg/sec sustained in test, 30K database ops/sec in test, 1800 msg per second per channel production, 7800 overall in production
Bill Thompson - Merrill Lynch

GLOSS - 2 tier architecture sybase/solaris PowerBuilder GUI
all business logic in stored procedures
uses tempdb as a key component
use: standing data maintenance, transaction management, interface to external clearing services (msgs), books & records
some of the topology: transaction manager front-office then to settlement engine and to the books & records, T+x updates from clearing house
70K trades and settlements 60K prices, 40K cash movements ... 250,000 transactions (=100's sql statements) / day
limits in 2001: transaction rates too high, overnight extracts over the window, DB 450 GB: unable to do maintenance tasks
Then move to SQL server
Challenges: migrate stored procedures, maintain the Unix code, migrate database in 48 hours
Unix - SQL server connectivity: use FreeTDS (open source) engine (Sybase ODBC and others didn't work or were a performance drag)
migrating the data was painfully slow using vendor tools. They wrote utilities themselves using bcp functionality from FreeDTS
SQl server 'bulk insert' rocks
performance increase transaction throughput 30%, database extracts from 235 mins to 25 minutes
Future: 50-100% increase of transaction expected in 2004
SQL Server issues: stored procedure recompilation
Redesign: distributed transaction processing, consolidate stock & cash ledgers, data archival
re-architect the queue-based processing.
database now 1T, backup: full in 3-4 hours, incremental 1 hour
David Patterson - Berkeley

Recovery Oriented Computing
margin of safety works for hardware, what does it mean for software?
tolerate human error in design, in construction and in use
Raid 5: operator removing wrong disks, vibration/temperature failure before repair
never take software raid
ROC philosophy: if a problem has no solutions, it may not be a problem but a fact - not to be solved but to be coped with over time - Shimon Peres
people HW SW fails is a fact
how can we improve repair
MTTF is difficult to measure, MTTR is better measurement
if MTTR is fast enough, it is not a failure
'Crash only software' Armando Fox
Recognize, Rewind & Repair, Replay
Application proxy records input & output, feeds into an undo manager, combined with a no-overwrite store.
Lesson learned: takes a long time to notice the error, longer than to fix it
Operators are conservative, difficult to win trust
Configuration errors a rich source of causes for errors
Automation may make the ops job harder - reduces ops understanding of the system
Paul Maglio - IBM

Studies about system administrators
important users, expensive, understudied
interface for system administrators are similar to regular users, but this may not be correct because they are different
field studies, long term videos
Talks about how misunderstanding play a major role, how admins control info while talking to others
All about saving face & establishing trust
Most of the time spent troubleshooting is spent on talking to other people (60%-90%)
20% time about who (else) to talk to? (collaboration)
typical day: 21% planning 25% meetings, 30% routine maintenance, half of all activities were involved in collaboration
DBAs always work in pairs or teams, meticulous rehearsal, attention to details, but easy to panic.
David Campbell - Microsoft

Supportability - Doing right in a Complex World
Emerging Technology: lots of knobs, high maintenance testing replacing, etc. Everybody needs to be the expert
Evolving Technology: some knobs, automation, good enough for the masses - some local gurus
Refined Technology: no knobs, goal directed input - it just works - user base explodes - small expert base
Design targets: non-cs diciplines have design targets, cs often not, certainly not supportability
Design for usability for common users: "virtual memory too low ..."
Limited design for test, no standard integrated online diagnostics
Techniques similar to those 20 years ago
Errors: don't be lazy make explicit what you want the user to do
Never throw away an error context
'Principle of least astonishment':
do reasonable user action yields reasonable results? Make it hard for people to hose themselves
With respect to reliability, how much of the complexity is spend on actually making the system more reliable
In automobiles today faults are recorded to help the mechanics.
Customers are willing to invest up to 20% to get to 'it just works'
in sql server introduced more closed feedback loops to reduce operator involvement
Automated, adaptive control based on 'expert systems knowledge'
result were surprising, results are better than the best expert could do.
example: memory allocated, statistics collection, read-ahead, system structures dynamic allocated
Memory: replacement cost for each page, utilities 'bid' on memory, feedback on cost of allocation.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Psychohistory is Coming,: ; Scientists Learning to Take Society's Temperature

DALLAS - A little over half a century ago, Isaac Asimov created a new universe, home to a decaying galactic empire and a novel form of social order known as the "Foundation."

Asimov's "Foundation" novels - the most famous science-fiction trilogy between "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars" - described a new science of social behavior called psychohistory. Mixing psychology with math, psychohistory hijacked the methods of physics to precisely predict the future course of human events.

Today, Asimov's vision is no longer wholly fiction. His psychohistory exists in a loose confederation of research enterprises seeking equations that capture patterns in human behavior. These enterprises go by different names and treat different aspects of the issue. But they all share a goal of better understanding the present in order to foresee the future, and possibly help shape it.

Almost daily, research papers in this genre appear in scientific journals or on the Internet. Some examine voting patterns in diverse populations, how crowds behave when fleeing in panic, or why societies rise and fall. Others describe ways to forecast trends in the stock market or the likely effect of antiterrorist actions. Still others analyze how rumors, fads or new technologies spread.

Once the province of sociologists, political scientists, economists or philosophers, such issues are now routinely analyzed by physicists and mathematicians. At the same time, psychologists are learning more about what goes on in the brain when humans interact. And anthropologists have begun to study how economic activity influences behavior in different cultures.

Put it all together, and Asimov's idea for a predictive science of human history no longer seems unthinkable. It may be inevitable.

Universities and institutions around the world have seized versions of Asimov's vision for new research themes. At the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, a new behavioral sciences program focuses on economic behavior and cultural evolution. The National Science Foundation has identified "human and social dynamics" as a new funding priority area. At various schools, collaborators from diverse departments are creating new hybrid disciplines, with names like econophysics, socionomics, evolutionary economics, social cognitive neuroscience and experimental economic anthropology.

"It's become pretty obvious from 9/11, from terrorism, that we need to understand human behavior better," says Rita Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation. "Not only for prediction, but also for prevention."

Sociophysics moves from slogan to science

Among the newest of the enterprises - and closest to the spirit of Asimov's psychohistory - is a discipline called sociophysics. The name has been around for decades, but only in the 21st century has it become more science than slogan.

Like Asimov's psychohistory, sociophysics is rooted in statistical mechanics, the math used by physicists to describe the big picture when lacking data about the details. Nobody can track the trillion trillion molecules of air floating around in a room, for instance, but statistical mechanics can tell you how an air conditioner will affect the overall temperature.

In a similar way, science cannot describe how any given individual will behave. But put enough people together, Asimov's psychohistorian Hari Seldon reasoned, and laws of human interaction will produce predictable patterns - just as the way molecules move and interact determines the temperature and pressure of a gas.

Statistical mechanics math is nowadays routinely recruited for problems far removed from its standard uses with gases or chemical reactions or magnetic materials. Everything from the flow of funds in the stock market to the flow of traffic on interstate highways has been the subject of statistical-physics study. And more and more, that math is used to describe people as though they were molecules, by physicists who are, in effect, taking the temperature of society.

Small-world networks may be key to the future

Physicists have invented many forms of social thermometers. Among the most fruitful are those that construe society as a mixture of many complex networks.

In general, networks are like gases in which molecules are somehow connected; the role of the molecules can be played by almost anything - local affiliates in a TV network, power plants in an electric grid, airports linked by direct flights, home pages on the World Wide Web. Connections can be as simple as wires linking computers or as intangible as sharing a common interest.

People, of course, belong to many different kinds of networks. There are networks of family, networks of friends, networks of professional collaborators. There are networks of people who share common investments, political views or sexual partners.

Networks offer scientists many temperatures to measure. For instance, you can calculate the average number of links between a network's members (called nodes). That tells you something about how connected the network is, just as a real temperature tells you how fast (on average) a gas's molecules are moving.

Networks have other quantifiable features. You can specify the average number of steps it takes to get from one node to another - how many flights, say, it takes to get from Fargo to Fayetteville. In a "small-world" network, it takes only a few steps to get from any one node of the network to any other.

As it turns out, when a network's nodes are people, small worlds are the rule. So discovering the rules governing small-world networks may be the key to forecasting the social future.

Network math offers obvious social uses. It's just what the doctor ordered for tracking the spread of an infectious disease, for instance, or plotting vaccination strategies. And because ideas can spread like epidemics, similar math may govern the spread of opinions and social trends.

Numerous versions of network- or other statistical-physics math have attempted to identify patterns of opinion flow. Serge Galam, of the French research institute CNRS, has studied the spread of terrorism, for instance, trying to identify what conditions drive the growth of terrorism networks. In other work, Galam has analyzed opinion transmission and voting behaviors, concluding that "hung election scenarios," like the 2000 U.S. presidential contest, "are predicted to become both inevitable and a common occurrence."

Other opinion-spreading papers try to explain whether an extreme minority view can eventually split a society into two polarized opposite camps, or even overwhelm the rest of the population. One analysis suggests that higher connectivity among the people in a population boosts the chances for social takeover by an extreme position.

'Contagion' theory applies to ideas, fads

Another new paper examines the idea of "contagion" in general - the spread of anything through a population, whether infectious disease or ideas, fads, technological innovations, or social unrest. As it turns out, fads need not always spread the same way as a disease, as different scenarios may guide the course of different contagions.

In some cases, a small starting "seed" (a literal virus, perhaps, or just a new idea) can eventually grow into an epidemic; in other cases a seed infects too few people and the disease or idea dies out, Peter Dodds and Duncan Watts of Columbia University write in a paper to be published in Physical Review Letters. What happens can depend on how much more likely a second exposure is to infect an individual than a first exposure.

"Our results suggest that relatively minor manipulations ... can have a dramatic impact on the ability of a small initial seed to trigger a global contagion event," Dodds and Watts declare.

In real life, of course, people don't necessarily transmit opinions or viruses in the simple ways that such analyses assume. So some experts question how useful the statistical mechanics approach to society will ultimately be.

"I think in some limited domains it might be pretty powerful," says Cornell University mathematician Steven Strogatz. "It really is the right language for discussing enormous systems of whatever it is, whether it's people or neurons or spins in a magnet. ... But I worry that a lot of these physicist-style models of social dynamics are based on a real dopey view of human psychology."

So to succeed, then, statistical-physics math may have to meet face to face with social cognitive neuroscience, a booming research field that is all about understanding face-to-face interactions between real people. Brain scans and experiments with brain-damaged patients reveal how people respond to or empathize with others they encounter, providing insights about behaviors people choose in different social situations.

Further help may come from neuroscientists, who study the brain activity underlying economic choices in the new field of neuroeconomics. An offshoot, neuromarketing, may use brain activity- analyses to plan advertising for political campaigns that enlist brain-based strategies for maneuvering the future in one direction or another.

Searching for laws that govern behavior

All these approaches still generate but a shadow of Asimov's full- scale psychohistory. Everybody knows there's much more work to be done to match the predictive power achieved by Hari Seldon. Ironically, some of that needed new work may come from scientists who are unwittingly following in Seldon's footsteps.

In later prequels to the "Foundation Trilogy," written decades after the original stories, Asimov described how Seldon gathered the data needed to perfect psychohistory - by visiting different cultures spread across the planet Trantor. By observing a variety of societies, Seldon discovered the common features of human social behavior needed to make sound predictions.

Much as Seldon traveled around Trantor, anthropologists have traveled around the Earth in the last few years, playing economic games in small-scale societies. Human nature, as gauged by the games, varies considerably from culture to culture - data that must be incorporated into any effort to forecast the social future.

It illustrates the need for today's psychohistoric collaborations to grapple with real people in the real world to find true laws governing human behavior.

"We have this weird, I think untenable, situation in the social sciences," says UCLA anthropologist Robert Boyd. A student learns one story about human behavior in an economics class, and then something quite different in sociology. Psychology class offers yet another version.

"And they come up here and we anthropologists tell them all kinds of different things because we don't agree about hardly anything," Boyd said. "This is not OK. It's not acceptable that the economists are happy with their world and the sociologists are happy with their world, and that this persists in an institution which is supposed to be about getting at the truth."

But as various enterprises mix economic experiments with math and psychology, evolution and culture, a new understanding of human nature and human behavior does seem to be emerging.

"I see a lot of progress happening right now," Boyd said. "But I don't think we're very close, myself, right now, to offering policy recommendations."

Earlier efforts not misguided, just premature

In the end, better-informed public policy is what human science is all about. It's an old dream, predating Asimov's psychohistory by centuries. Many philosophers have envisioned laws of human behavior analogous to Isaac Newton's laws of motion. Early sociologists discovered mathematical regularities in birth and death rates and height and weight and even in crime rates. (In fact, such statistical analysis of human affairs influenced the development of statistical mechanics in the 19th century by the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell.)

But past efforts have been, to put it charitably, far from perfect. Science today has much more to work with - the mathematics of statistical physics, economic game theory and networks merged with modern neurobiology, brain scanning and anthropological experiments. All these tools and the new scientific fields built with them suggest that the efforts of earlier centuries were not misguided, just premature.

It's becoming clear that Asimov's psychohistory reflects an undoubtable truth that all the world's different social networks interact in multiple ways to generate a single future. From people to corporations, cities to governments, all the pieces of society must mesh. What appears to be the madness of crowds must ultimately have a method, a method that science can discover.

"We're sort of working on little bits of it, trying to make connections," says Princeton University's Joshua Greene, a philosopher and neuroscientist.

"The idea is really to have, in the end, a seamless understanding of the universe, from the most basic physical elements, the chemistry, the biochemistry, the neurobiology, to individual human behavior, to macroeconomic behavior - the whole gamut seamlessly integrated," he says. "Not in my lifetime, though."


“注意你的思想,它会变成你的(言论)行动;注意你的(言论)行动,它会变成你的习惯;注意你的习惯,它会变成你的性格。 ”

Saturday, October 16, 2004


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  价值谈判永远是收购中最敏感也是最关键的内容,最后双方能否对估值达成一致的价格,取决于财务顾问,设计一个有助于双方达成价格共识的估值框架。由于估值框架由管理层的许多假设所组成,但有时双方不一定能够对这些假设取得共识,这样就无法对成交价取得共识,这时一种叫Earn Out的订价结构可被用于帮助双方达成共识,这种架构是根据收购完成后被购公司的业绩来确定仍需支付的部分。



































Saturday, October 09, 2004 and Trackback Technology

I really like! Not only was it one of the first (or was it THE first?) blogging platforms available, it is so darn easy to use. Three simple steps, and voila, you have your very own blog! And, it's FREE! It comes with several very attractive templates which can not only be customized to the look and feel of your website if so desired, but can even incorporated into your site!!

One of the few components Blogger does not incorporate natively is trackback technology. TrackBack is a system developed by Movable Type that allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and has written another entry concerning it. The system works by sending a 'ping' between the blogs, and therefore providing the alert.

That has been Blogger's "Achille's Heel" where I'm concerned, that kept me from using it myself. However, that little techno-gaffe can now be circumvented by using a trackback plug-in developed by And guess what, it's also free!

The best part about the Haloscan plug-in is that it uses a simple two-step process that detects your Blogger blog and installs the trackback function automatically. All you have to do is have your comments turned on and, voila, you have trackbacks!

If you're a small businessperson who is interested in blogging, I can't think of an simpler, more easy-to-use system than Blogger. (And I use TypePad!) It's a great way to get your feet wet at least.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Other Road Ahead


In the early 1990s I read an article in which someone said that software was a subscription business. At first this seemed a very cynical statement. But later I realized that it reflects reality: software development is an ongoing process. I think it's cleaner if you openly charge subscription fees, instead of forcing people to keep buying and installing new versions so that they'll keep paying you. And fortunately, subscriptions are the natural way to bill for Web-based applications.

When they can, companies like to do something called price discrimination, which means charging each customer as much as they can afford. [8] Software is particularly suitable for price discrimination, because the marginal cost is close to zero. This is why some software costs more to run on Suns than on Intel boxes: a company that uses Suns is not interested in saving money and can safely be charged more. Piracy is effectively the lowest tier of price discrimination. I think that software companies understand this and deliberately turn a blind eye to some kinds of piracy. [9] With server-based software they are going to have to come up with some other solution.

Web-based software sells well, especially in comparison to desktop software, because it's easy to buy. You might think that people decide to buy something, and then buy it, as two separate steps. That's what I thought before Viaweb, to the extent I thought about the question at all. In fact the second step can propagate back into the first: if something is hard to buy, people will change their mind about whether they wanted it. And vice versa: you'll sell more of something when it's easy to buy. I buy more books because Amazon exists. Web-based software is just about the easiest thing in the world to buy, especially if you have just done an online demo. Users should not have to do much more than enter a credit card number. (Make them do more at your peril.)

Sometimes Web-based software is offered through ISPs acting as resellers. This is a bad idea. You have to be administering the servers, because you need to be constantly improving both hardware and software. If you give up direct control of the servers, you give up most of the advantages of developing Web-based applications.

Several of our competitors shot themselves in the foot this way-- usually, I think, because they were overrun by suits who were excited about this huge potential channel, and didn't realize that it would ruin the product they hoped to sell through it. Selling Web-based software through ISPs is like selling sushi through vending machines.


Who will the customers be? At Viaweb they were initially individuals and smaller companies, and I think this will be the rule with Web-based applications. These are the users who are ready to try new things, partly because they're more flexible, and partly because they want the lower costs of new technology.

Web-based applications will often be the best thing for big companies too (though they'll be slow to realize it). The best intranet is the Internet. If a company uses true Web-based applications, the software will work better, the servers will be better administered, and employees will have access to the system from anywhere.

The argument against this approach usually hinges on security: if access is easier for employees, it will be for bad guys too. Some larger merchants were reluctant to use Viaweb because they thought customers' credit card information would be safer on their own servers. It was not easy to make this point diplomatically, but in fact the data was almost certainly safer in our hands than theirs. Who can hire better people to manage security, a technology startup whose whole business is running servers, or a clothing retailer? Not only did we have better people worrying about security, we worried more about it. If someone broke into the clothing retailer's servers, it would affect at most one merchant, could probably be hushed up, and in the worst case might get one person fired. If someone broke into ours, it could affect thousands of merchants, would probably end up as news on CNet, and could put us out of business.

If you want to keep your money safe, do you keep it under your mattress at home, or put it in a bank? This argument applies to every aspect of server administration: not just security, but uptime, bandwidth, load management, backups, etc. Our existence depended on doing these things right. Server problems were the big no-no for us, like a dangerous toy would be for a toy maker, or a salmonella outbreak for a food processor.

A big company that uses Web-based applications is to that extent outsourcing IT. Drastic as it sounds, I think this is generally a good idea. Companies are likely to get better service this way than they would from in-house system administrators. System administrators can become cranky and unresponsive because they're not directly exposed to competitive pressure: a salesman has to deal with customers, and a developer has to deal with competitors' software, but a system administrator, like an old bachelor, has few external forces to keep him in line. [10] At Viaweb we had external forces in plenty to keep us in line. The people calling us were customers, not just co-workers. If a server got wedged, we jumped; just thinking about it gives me a jolt of adrenaline, years later.

So Web-based applications will ordinarily be the right answer for big companies too. They will be the last to realize it, however, just as they were with desktop computers. And partly for the same reason: it will be worth a lot of money to convince big companies that they need something more expensive.

There is always a tendency for rich customers to buy expensive solutions, even when cheap solutions are better, because the people offering expensive solutions can spend more to sell them. At Viaweb we were always up against this. We lost several high-end merchants to Web consulting firms who convinced them they'd be better off if they paid half a million dollars for a custom-made online store on their own server. They were, as a rule, not better off, as more than one discovered when Christmas shopping season came around and loads rose on their server. Viaweb was a lot more sophisticated than what most of these merchants got, but we couldn't afford to tell them. At $300 a month, we couldn't afford to send a team of well-dressed and authoritative-sounding people to make presentations to customers.

A large part of what big companies pay extra for is the cost of selling expensive things to them. (If the Defense Department pays a thousand dollars for toilet seats, it's partly because it costs a lot to sell toilet seats for a thousand dollars.) And this is one reason intranet (LAN) software will continue to thrive, even though it is probably a bad idea. It's simply more expensive. There is nothing you can do about this conundrum, so the best plan is to go for the smaller customers first. The rest will come in time.

Son of Server

Running software on the server is nothing new. In fact it's the old model: mainframe applications are all server-based. If server-based software is such a good idea, why did it lose last time? Why did desktop computers eclipse mainframes?

At first desktop computers didn't look like much of a threat. The first users were all hackers-- or hobbyists, as they were called then. They liked microcomputers because they were cheap. For the first time, you could have your own computer. The phrase "personal computer" is part of the language now, but when it was first used it had a deliberately audacious sound, like the phrase "personal satellite" would today.

Why did desktop computers take over? I think it was because they had better software. And I think the reason microcomputer software was better was that it could be written by small companies.

I don't think many people realize how fragile and tentative startups are in the earliest stage. Many startups begin almost by accident-- as a couple guys, either with day jobs or in school, writing a prototype of something that might, if it looks promising, turn into a company. At this larval stage, any significant obstacle will stop the startup dead in its tracks. Writing mainframe software required too much commitment up front. Development machines were expensive, and because the customers would be big companies, you'd need an impressive-looking sales force to sell it to them. Starting a startup to write mainframe software would be a much more serious undertaking than just hacking something together on your Apple II in the evenings. And so you didn't get a lot of startups writing mainframe applications.

The arrival of desktop computers inspired a lot of new software, because writing applications for them seemed an attainable goal to larval startups. Development was cheap, and the customers would be individual people that you could reach through computer stores or even by mail-order.

The application that pushed desktop computers out into the mainstream was VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet. It was written by two guys working in an attic, and yet did things no mainframe software could do. [11] VisiCalc was such an advance, in its time, that people bought Apple IIs just to run it. And this was the beginning of a trend: desktop computers won because startups wrote software for them.

It looks as if server-based software will be good this time around, because startups will write it. Computers are so cheap now that you can get started, as we did, using a desktop computer as a server. Inexpensive processors have eaten the workstation market (you rarely even hear the word now) and are most of the way through the server market; Yahoo's servers, which deal with loads as high as any on the Internet, all have the same inexpensive Intel processors that you have in your desktop machine. And once you've written the software, all you need to sell it is a Web site. Nearly all our users came direct to our site through word of mouth and references in the press. [12]

Viaweb was a typical larval startup. We were terrified of starting a company, and for the first few months comforted ourselves by treating the whole thing as an experiment that we might call off at any moment. Fortunately, there were few obstacles except technical ones. While we were writing the software, our Web server was the same desktop machine we used for development, connected to the outside world by a dialup line. Our only expenses in that phase were food and rent.

There is all the more reason for startups to write Web-based software now, because writing desktop software has become a lot less fun. If you want to write desktop software now you do it on Microsoft's terms, calling their APIs and working around their buggy OS. And if you manage to write something that takes off, you may find that you were merely doing market research for Microsoft.

If a company wants to make a platform that startups will build on, they have to make it something that hackers themselves will want to use. That means it has to be inexpensive and well-designed. The Mac was popular with hackers when it first came out, and a lot of them wrote software for it. [13] You see this less with Windows, because hackers don't use it. The kind of people who are good at writing software tend to be running Linux or FreeBSD now.

I don't think we would have started a startup to write desktop software, because desktop software has to run on Windows, and before we could write software for Windows we'd have to use it. The Web let us do an end-run around Windows, and deliver software running on Unix direct to users through the browser. That is a liberating prospect, a lot like the arrival of PCs twenty-five years ago.


Back when desktop computers arrived, IBM was the giant that everyone was afraid of. It's hard to imagine now, but I remember the feeling very well. Now the frightening giant is Microsoft, and I don't think they are as blind to the threat facing them as IBM was. After all, Microsoft deliberately built their business in IBM's blind spot.

I mentioned earlier that my mother doesn't really need a desktop computer. Most users probably don't. That's a problem for Microsoft, and they know it. If applications run on remote servers, no one needs Windows. What will Microsoft do? Will they be able to use their control of the desktop to prevent, or constrain, this new generation of software?

My guess is that Microsoft will develop some kind of server/desktop hybrid, where the operating system works together with servers they control. At a minimum, files will be centrally available for users who want that. I don't expect Microsoft to go all the way to the extreme of doing the computations on the server, with only a browser for a client, if they can avoid it. If you only need a browser for a client, you don't need Microsoft on the client, and if Microsoft doesn't control the client, they can't push users towards their server-based applications.

I think Microsoft will have a hard time keeping the genie in the bottle. There will be too many different types of clients for them to control them all. And if Microsoft's applications only work with some clients, competitors will be able to trump them by offering applications that work from any client. [14]

In a world of Web-based applications, there is no automatic place for Microsoft. They may succeed in making themselves a place, but I don't think they'll dominate this new world as they did the world of desktop applications.

It's not so much that a competitor will trip them up as that they will trip over themselves. With the rise of Web-based software, they will be facing not just technical problems but their own wishful thinking. What they need to do is cannibalize their existing business, and I can't see them facing that. The same single-mindedness that has brought them this far will now be working against them. IBM was in exactly the same situation, and they could not master it. IBM made a late and half-hearted entry into the microcomputer business because they were ambivalent about threatening their cash cow, mainframe computing. Microsoft will likewise be hampered by wanting to save the desktop. A cash cow can be a damned heavy monkey on your back.

I'm not saying that no one will dominate server-based applications. Someone probably will eventually. But I think that there will be a good long period of cheerful chaos, just as there was in the early days of microcomputers. That was a good time for startups. Lots of small companies flourished, and did it by making cool things.

Startups but More So

The classic startup is fast and informal, with few people and little money. Those few people work very hard, and technology magnifies the effect of the decisions they make. If they win, they win big.

In a startup writing Web-based applications, everything you associate with startups is taken to an extreme. You can write and launch a product with even fewer people and even less money. You have to be even faster, and you can get away with being more informal. You can literally launch your product as three guys sitting in the living room of an apartment, and a server collocated at an ISP. We did.

Over time the teams have gotten smaller, faster, and more informal. In 1960, software development meant a roomful of men with horn rimmed glasses and narrow black neckties, industriously writing ten lines of code a day on IBM coding forms. In 1980, it was a team of eight to ten people wearing jeans to the office and typing into vt100s. Now it's a couple of guys sitting in a living room with laptops. (And jeans turn out not to be the last word in informality.)

Startups are stressful, and this, unfortunately, is also taken to an extreme with Web-based applications. Many software companies, especially at the beginning, have periods where the developers slept under their desks and so on. The alarming thing about Web-based software is that there is nothing to prevent this becoming the default. The stories about sleeping under desks usually end: then at last we shipped it and we all went home and slept for a week. Web-based software never ships. You can work 16-hour days for as long as you want to. And because you can, and your competitors can, you tend to be forced to. You can, so you must. It's Parkinson's Law running in reverse.

The worst thing is not the hours but the responsibility. Programmers and system administrators traditionally each have their own separate worries. Programmers have to worry about bugs, and system administrators have to worry about infrastructure. Programmers may spend a long day up to their elbows in source code, but at some point they get to go home and forget about it. System administrators never quite leave the job behind, but when they do get paged at 4:00 AM, they don't usually have to do anything very complicated. With Web-based applications, these two kinds of stress get combined. The programmers become system administrators, but without the sharply defined limits that ordinarily make the job bearable.

At Viaweb we spent the first six months just writing software. We worked the usual long hours of an early startup. In a desktop software company, this would have been the part where we were working hard, but it felt like a vacation compared to the next phase, when we took users onto our server. The second biggest benefit of selling Viaweb to Yahoo (after the money) was to be able to dump ultimate responsibility for the whole thing onto the shoulders of a big company.

Desktop software forces users to become system administrators. Web-based software forces programmers to. There is less stress in total, but more for the programmers. That's not necessarily bad news. If you're a startup competing with a big company, it's good news. [15] Web-based applications offer a straightforward way to outwork your competitors. No startup asks for more.

Just Good Enough

One thing that might deter you from writing Web-based applications is the lameness of Web pages as a UI. That is a problem, I admit. There were a few things we would have really liked to add to HTML and HTTP. What matters, though, is that Web pages are just good enough.

There is a parallel here with the first microcomputers. The processors in those machines weren't actually intended to be the CPUs of computers. They were designed to be used in things like traffic lights. But guys like Ed Roberts, who designed the Altair, realized that they were just good enough. You could combine one of these chips with some memory (256 bytes in the first Altair), and front panel switches, and you'd have a working computer. Being able to have your own computer was so exciting that there were plenty of people who wanted to buy them, however limited.

Web pages weren't designed to be a UI for applications, but they're just good enough. And for a significant number of users, software that you can use from any browser will be enough of a win in itself to outweigh any awkwardness in the UI. Maybe you can't write the best-looking spreadsheet using HTML, but you can write a spreadsheet that several people can use simultaneously from different locations without special client software, or that can incorporate live data feeds, or that can page you when certain conditions are triggered. More importantly, you can write new kinds of applications that don't even have names yet. VisiCalc was not merely a microcomputer version of a mainframe application, after all-- it was a new type of application.

Of course, server-based applications don't have to be Web-based. You could have some other kind of client. But I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea. It would be very convenient if you could assume that everyone would install your client-- so convenient that you could easily convince yourself that they all would-- but if they don't, you're hosed. Because Web-based software assumes nothing about the client, it will work anywhere the Web works. That's a big advantage already, and the advantage will grow as new Web devices proliferate. Users will like you because your software just works, and your life will be easier because you won't have to tweak it for every new client. I would not even use Javascript, if I were you. Viaweb didn't. [16]

I feel like I've watched the evolution of the Web as closely as anyone, and I can't predict what's going to happen with clients. Convergence is probably coming, but where? I can't pick a winner. One thing I can predict is conflict between AOL and Microsoft. Whatever Microsoft's .NET turns out to be, it will probably involve connecting the desktop to servers. Unless AOL fights back, they will either be pushed aside or turned into a pipe between Microsoft client and server software. If Microsoft and AOL get into a client war, the only thing sure to work on both will be browsing the Web, meaning Web-based applications will be the only kind that work everywhere.

How will it all play out? I don't know. And you don't have to know if you bet on Web-based applications. No one can break that without breaking browsing. The Web may not be the only way to deliver software, but it's one that works now and will continue to work for a long time. Web-based applications are cheap to develop, and easy for even the smallest startup to deliver. They're a lot of work, and of a particularly stressful kind, but that only makes the odds better for startups.

Why Not?

E. B. White was amused to learn from a farmer friend that many electrified fences don't have any current running through them. The cows apparently learn to stay away from them, and after that you don't need the current. "Rise up, cows!" he wrote, "Take your liberty while despots snore!"

If you're a hacker who has thought of one day starting a startup, there are probably two things keeping you from doing it. One is that you don't know anything about business. The other is that you're afraid of competition. Neither of these fences have any current in them.

There are only two things you have to know about business: build something users love, and make more than you spend. If you get these two right, you'll be ahead of most startups. You can figure out the rest as you go.

You may not at first make more than you spend, but as long as the gap is closing fast enough you'll be ok. If you start out underfunded, it will at least encourage a habit of frugality. The less you spend, the easier it is to make more than you spend. Fortunately, it can be very cheap to launch a Web-based application. We launched on under $10,000, and it would be even cheaper today. We had to spend thousands on a server, and thousands more to get SSL. (The only company selling SSL software at the time was Netscape.) Now you can rent a much more powerful server, with SSL included, for less than we paid for bandwidth alone. You could launch a Web-based application now for less than the cost of a fancy office chair.

As for building something users love, here are some general tips. Start by making something clean and simple that you would want to use yourself. Get a version 1.0 out fast, then continue to improve the software, listening closely to the users as you do. The customer is always right, but different customers are right about different things; the least sophisticated users show you what you need to simplify and clarify, and the most sophisticated tell you what features you need to add. The best thing software can be is easy, but the way to do this is to get the defaults right, not to limit users' choices. Don't get complacent if your competitors' software is lame; the standard to compare your software to is what it could be, not what your current competitors happen to have. Use your software yourself, all the time. Viaweb was supposed to be an online store builder, but we used it to make our own site too. Don't listen to marketing people or designers or product managers just because of their job titles. If they have good ideas, use them, but it's up to you to decide; software has to be designed by hackers who understand design, not designers who know a little about software. If you can't design software as well as implement it, don't start a startup.

Now let's talk about competition. What you're afraid of is not presumably groups of hackers like you, but actual companies, with offices and business plans and salesmen and so on, right? Well, they are more afraid of you than you are of them, and they're right. It's a lot easier for a couple of hackers to figure out how to rent office space or hire sales people than it is for a company of any size to get software written. I've been on both sides, and I know. When Viaweb was bought by Yahoo, I suddenly found myself working for a big company, and it was like trying to run through waist-deep water.

I don't mean to disparage Yahoo. They had some good hackers, and the top management were real butt-kickers. For a big company, they were exceptional. But they were still only about a tenth as productive as a small startup. No big company can do much better than that. What's scary about Microsoft is that a company so big can develop software at all. They're like a mountain that can walk.

Don't be intimidated. You can do as much that Microsoft can't as they can do that you can't. And no one can stop you. You don't have to ask anyone's permission to develop Web-based applications. You don't have to do licensing deals, or get shelf space in retail stores, or grovel to have your application bundled with the OS. You can deliver software right to the browser, and no one can get between you and potential users without preventing them from browsing the Web.

You may not believe it, but I promise you, Microsoft is scared of you. The complacent middle managers may not be, but Bill is, because he was you once, back in 1975, the last time a new way of delivering software appeared.

Following the Value

Following the Value

Tim began by asking what it means that Google, eBay, and are the new killer apps. He updated a quote from his 1997 speech Hardware, Software, and Infoware that "Free and open source software is the Intel inside of the next generation of software applications" by adding "--or is it?" He explored the implications of Clayton Christensen's law of conservation of attractive profits, the value simply migrates to adjacent levels.

To put this in historical context, Tim said that as building computer hardware became a commodity business with lower margins, the value went up the stack to proprietary software. At the same time, Intel showed that there was an opportunity to push value down the stack as long as you build a critical component that the next layer depends on. So the value was pushed out of the middle layer of building computers to the adjacent layers of software such as the Windows operating systems, Office, and to hardware components such as Intel chips.

Looking at that dynamic, people imagined that with the rise of Linux and open source we would replace Windows with Linux and Office with an open source solution. This was the dream of having inexpensive commodity hardware coupled with free software. For now, they reasoned, open source would leave the Intel layer alone because it is a hard project that has many technical requirements.

O'Reilly argues that instead of a stack that is capped by Linux and Open Office, we have another stack to consider with LAMP and similar open source software components occupying the middle. The value has once again moved to adjacent layers. Looking up the stack, eBay, Google,, and Mapquest are all building proprietary software on top of open source foundations.

Several of these applications have found a way to get users to create data that is used on their sites, which leads to lock-in by network effects and not by API. There are more than ten million user reviews on Amazon. That's not really software but the added value here is the data. Tim asked, once there's a critical mass of buyers and sellers why go somewhere else? In this grouping, the "Intel inside" position is occupied by Network Solutions, which controls domain names. All of the mapping applications are built on top of Navteq.

The platform is the Internet and not the PC. These applications are built on top of open source but are not themselves open source. Tim says that's OK because they have built tremendous value. More importantly, if we want to move open source forward, we have to understand that the whole model of what constitutes open source doesn't work. For example, you could give away the Google code and still not be able to implement Google. If we're thinking of openness we have to ask what openness means in that context: a world where an app runs on 100K servers and Richard Stallman cannot run it on his personal machine.

As you create your web-based applications, ask how you might build a participatory level around the data in the same way that eBay and have done. Tim left this topic asking who is going to control the key namespaces and who will integrate the entire open source stack. He suggests we think beyond Linux and ask who is going to be the Dell of open source and make sure that evrything works well together.

Reinventing the Address Book

Tim next turned his attention to social software and asked how many people in the audience had tried Orkut. Most of the audience raised their hands. He followed by asking how many people kept using Orkut and very few left their hand in the air. He said that all the social software services are a hack because we haven't really reinvented the address book.

Tim showed screen shots from a Microsoft Research project that could answer questions such as who you communicate with around this particular topic. The question that follows is how we build tools for creating networks and managing our contacts. These tools could end up as part of Outlook and proprietary software, or they could become a connection between Orkut and GMail. "We have to Napsterize the address book and the calendar so that we own the data about our social network but we are able to query our friends about who they know."

There are benefits of thinking of software, as Dave Stutz suggested, above the level of a single device. Tim offered the iPod and iTunes for lessons for open source. This is the first application that has done seamless application from server to handheld device. The handheld is not just a bad copy of the web or PC interface. When you build an application, consider what the changes may be when you assume that it runs from a handheld all the way to the server.

For VCs, Blogging is the Next New Thing

Wi-Fi is old news, and social networks are fully funded. So what’s next for Silicon Valley venture capitalists? How about Blogsphere? Expect a spate of announcements in coming months, and of course I have some juicy scoops here. Read on.... Silicon Valley venture capitalists believe in one thing - herd mentality. Never the ones to go out on a limb, they tend to flock for deals which others are doing. This herd mentality is what brought to us four online pet stores, half a dozen toy shops, and nearly three dozen wireless LAN switch makers. If Friendster was good investment for Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, then Sequoia could not be left behind and invest in Linked-In. And if all the rumors I am hearing from Silicon Valley sources are correct, then the next new thing for the capitalist fools is web logging! Which is not such a bad thing, after all there are many very smart people who I admire, who will get funding from some venture capitalist or the other. Call this trend Blogging For Dollars! (A couple of weeks ago, the November issue of Business 2.0 magazine hit the stands, and it featured a mini-profile on SixApart, a company co-founder by high school sweet hearts, Ben and Mena Trott, the power houses behind MoveableType software and the TypePad web log service. The story was titled, Blogging for Dollars.) A lot has happened since then, and I have a couple of micro-scoops for you. My sources tell me that David Sifry’s Technorati is about to receive a substantial bit of funding, most likely from August Capital soon. No confirmation, and this could be a rumor of course! (And talking about rumors, Tribe.Net is also close to getting a big round of funding from one of the Valley big guns, though it has nothing to do blogging!) Elsewhere I have heard Scott Rafer, co-founder of Wi-Finder and newly appointed chief executive officer of FeedSter is beating down the bushes for funds and will get them shortly. His model of combining ad words with RSS feeds is an attractive business proposition. Chris Alden, the co-founder of the vintage Red Herring magazine is working on a start-up that will be a combination of blog-directory and a publication. (Details pending!) Many start-ups have cropped up and are copying the hosted web logging business model of TypePad, and others are in the works. This market is getting fiercely competitive and over crowded. These are all interesting developments, and hopefully will help some of the blogging start-ups we love so dearly. (My big question is who are the people most likely to get funded next?) Having seen the blogging evolve from its early days, I find it amusing that venture capitalists have suddenly discovered this new trend. Herds! or Un-Smart Mobs! While funding tool makers or service providers such as Six Apart and FeedSter makes sense, I am not so sanguine on the prospects of weblog-pubs etc. I think Nick Denton hits it right when he says this and this. By the way Jason Calacanis thinks I hate him. And to that I say NOT! Recommended reading * Jason Calacanis * Dawn of The Micro Pubs * Return of the Boom time hype merchants * Social Networking Companes Garner Venture Capital

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

On social software consultancy

With Jack Schulze, I've been doing a little consultancy at TimeBank recently on how thinking in social software, adaptive design and associated areas can improve a couple of their projects, and tie into their strategic thinking.

I'm not going to say anything about the projects or the outcome of the seminar day at the moment, just say what social software looks like, deploying in anger, a year in. This is what consulting and teaching non-expects in this area looks like.


Defining sosowa was the source of many posts this time last year. Having to compress it to be useful was a useful process. We're using something like this:

Social software's purpose is dealing with with groups, or interactions between people. This is as opposed to conventional software like Microsoft Word, which although it may have collaborative features ("track changes") isn't primarily social. (Those features could learn a lot from social software however.) The primary constraint of social software is in the design process: Human factors and group dynamics introduce design difficulties that aren't obvious without considering psychology and human nature.

This ties nicely with adaptive design, in that social software encourages you to fulfil latent needs first, then embark on not a development cycle but a dialogue with user concerns in which you listen to their emerging needs and implement them in code -- but you have to give users the ability to stretch the system otherwise you'll never even notice those new needs.

Areas of interest

To design effective social software, you should have some awareness in a number of areas.

So one of the things Jack and I are doing is producing a Primer in these areas to provide an overview but also a bibliography so the TimeBank team can dig deeper themselves. We've spent quite a lot of time running through their projects and these ideas to learn what's appropriate, where they need extra knowledge and so on.

Clay Shirky's essays (these in particular) over 2003 figure pretty big when the areas of concern to social software are summarised. That's not a surprise, they're great essays. But also, looking back, they're the only standalone, well-written essays there are. Outside the context of the early 2003 discussion, most of the weblogs posts just don't make any sense.


So already we're got a way to put the sosowa ideas into practice. I use this example:

We might consider the way, in groups of three or more, how there's always the possibility of two people being disloyal to the gathering, and how to moderate that behaviour. In the physical world, disloyalty is visible because all interactions within the same context are visible to all local group members, and the disloyalty is moderated through politeness and social pressure. There is a different mechanism to exert social pressure in a peer-to-peer small group (of 6 people, say) than a broadcast larger group (a classroom type situation). Contrast this with online small groups and we see misunderstandings by email, people being left off cc lists and so on.

Now that's become a solveable scenario. We need mechanisms in the online software to bring in a similar incentive structure to the offline world.

The single most useful piece of thinking I've been using is Stewart Butterfield's March 2003 post on the devices in social software, mechanisms successful pieces of social software tend to have.


I'll describe each of these, as I see them, critiquing AOL Instant Messanger (just as an exmaple), and then describe how we put them into use.

Identity Your identity is shown by a screenname, which remains persistent through time. There are incentives not to change this, like having your list of friends stored on the server and only accessible through your screenname. This acts as a pressure to not change identity. Having a persistent identity is more important than having one brought in from the physical world.
Presence Presence is awareness of sharing the same space, and this is implemented as seeing when your friends are online, or busy. AIM isn't particularly good at group presence and visibility of communication, although other chat systems (such as IRC and early Talkers) use the concept of "rooms" and whispers.
Relationships AIM lets you add people as buddies. From that moment, their presence is visible on your screen. This is a relationship, you're allowed them to have an effect on your environment. Not terribly nuanced however.
Conversations Conversations are implemented as synchronous messaging. There's a difference between messaging and conversations. Messaging is just an exchange of text with no obligation, but conversations have their own presence and want to be continued. AIM does this by having a window for a conversation. It's difficult to drift out of it, it hangs there, requesting you continue. Contrast this with email which often is just messaging, and conversations die easily.
Groups AIM isn't great at groups. Although you can have group chats, the group is transient. People have more loyalty to a group when there's some kind of joining step, when they've made some investment in it. Entering a window just doesn't do that, and there's no property of the group that exists outside the individual user's accounts.
Reputation Reputation is used more in systems which allow meeting new individuals. AIM's simple version of this is "warning". Any user may "warn" any other user. A users total "warn" level (a figure up to 100) is shown to everyone they communicate with. Unfortunately, it's not a trustworthy reputation system, and reputation is notoriously difficult -- but humans are great at dealing with it themselves, given certain affordances: persistence identities, and being able to discuss those identities with other people. AIM's simplistic relationship system makes reputation not so important though.
Sharing People like to share. With AIM, sharing is often as simple as giving a friend a link to follow. Other systems, such as Flikr, are about sharing photographs. These act as small transactions that build genuine group feeling.

Clay's essay A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy provides a great overview of many important concepts here, especially on having a cost to join (which provides the feeling of membership). Incidentally, knowing this is a fantastic rule of thumb: Forums which require a joining step are better that forums that feel like window-shopping. It's a more social design decision on the same level as not putting the reply box at the top (so the user has to read the whole conversation).

Putting this into practice

These seven items act as a tremendously useful framework to critique and comment on social software. We combined them with a further process:

  • Define the goals of your software (the strategic goals, and the user goals)

  • Consider incentives: For goal-oriented systems, why do people take part? Why do they come back?

  • Consider moderation: If you have a disloyal user, how do you stop them starting fights and poisoning the community? If you block them, you might enter an arms race.

We took a dynamic approach to this. It's very simple-minded design which only gets a person to use the site once, because it's easy to operate or whatever. A more dynamic approach is to consider the consequences, and use mechanisms such as people like sharing to design in the appropriate incentive and moderation feedback loops.

And dynamic's the key. We've attempted to understand user flows, and apply the ideas above to different types of user within the system, using one or two of Matt Jones' UCD tricks (they're handy to use and easy to teach). We've been teaching the technical and other project team members to use these tools and ideas to develop a common vocabulary, and to use social software ideas to make simple social tools more likely to succeed.

(So, for example, we can see that some users aren't going to be comfortable approaching people online - they're educated, highly intelligent folk who aren't good with computers - then we can use mechanisms such as slowly building relationships (making use of presence) and reputation to build an approach with a gradual gradient.)

And then of course it all gets into adaptive design and development processes, and also onto the specific small touches we recommended for the individual projects, but I'll get onto those another time.

I've put many of the social software links we'll be using in the Primer in my links directory.

Of course half-way through gathering these, the Many-to-Many Social Software Reader (and Timeline) launched. Handy, but unfortunately not completely appropriate -- I think they're aimed at providing a history and resource for practitioners, and not a quick way in to pick the most appropriate ideas for people in other fields. The latter is what Jack and I are providing.