Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PubSub Introduces Open-Source Structured Blogging at Web 2.0

How Structured Blogging works:

Structured Blogging makes it easy to create, edit, and maintain different kinds of posts and is very similar to an edit form on a blog. The difference is that the structure will let users add specific styles to each type, and add links and pictures for reviews.

Once Structured Blogging is in place, users can start building applications on top of it. Because it's an XML format and embedded in both the HTML blog and the syndicated feed, applications can run in Web browsers, like a Firefox plugin for comparison shopping which reads product reviews; aggregators, such as those that add your friends' calendar entries to your date book; or Web services like a feed for everyone attending the same conference.

"Structured Blogging provides a standard format for bloggers to publish an event out to the Web in an organized and predictable way," said Joe Reger, founder, Reger.com, a user-friendly blogging platform with all of the benefits of traditional blogging, plus a data mining tool called datablogging. "We help our clients use the structured formats without the need for programming. Executives can simply drag and drop the data into a log, then track, chart, and analyze the data without ever involving IT services. Given its ability to openly share data with tools like datablogging, we see Reger.com plus Structured Blogging as a critical publishing piece in the larger concept of Web 2.0."

"With Structured Blogging, we'll be able to post structured items in any of millions of blogs or Web sites and have those items recognized, indexed, and searched on any number of search sites, just like HTML pages are today," continued Wyman. "With this innovation, we foresee a beneficial paradigm shift in the marketplace. Rather than simply relying on the data they've captured in the walled gardens, popular sites will focus more on the broader service offerings they provide."

Structured Blogging support will initially be provided for the WordPress, MoveableType, Drupal, and Reger.com blogging platforms. Other platforms will be supported in the future. Learn more about Structured Blogging at http://structuredblogging.org/.


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