企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值
这里VC,investment banker很多,本人就抛砖引玉,根据modern corporate finance theory, MM Proposition and CAPM model来介绍一下如何给企业估价。
给企业估价的模型很多,value driven model, Discount Cash Flow model, EVA etc. 另外有人用black shultes option pricing model来给start-up company估值。这些模型虽然很多,但万变不离其宗,都是以discount cash flow(DCF)为基础的,所以本文主要介绍DCF model.
所谓discount cash flow,就是把公司未来所有的free cash flow,用一定的利率折算到现在,其总值即为公司的价值:
a. 公司的根本价值,体现在能从经营活动中产生现金,然后将现金直接分配给股东作为红利或者通过股票升值让股东获利,因此,公司的价值是由cash flow决定的
b. 不同时期的现金的价值不同,手头的100块,买国债明年就可以变成105块,后年变成110.25块,因此明年的105块,后年的110块25分,只相当于今年的100块。105/1.05 = 100, 1.05 -1 =5%就是discount rate。
c. 根据上述原理,把公司明年,后年,大后年。。。一直到永远,每年产生的现金按照(CashFlow)n/(1+discount rate)**n折算到今天,然后加起来,就是公司的价值。
1. Perpetual annuity
5/5% = 100
也就是说,如果每年我能够得到5块钱 forever,利率5%,那么这每年5块 forever就相当于现在的100块钱
2. Perpetual Growth
在估算企业价值的时候,我们总是假设一个企业在未来的某个时刻以后,其赢利的增长和整个经济的增长率相同。因为任何企业,即使目前增长很快,也会逐渐成熟而慢下来,否则很快一个公司的价值会比整个经济还多,而这是不可能的。这就是perpetual growth,一般假设等于2-3%,也就是成熟经济体的自然增长率。
3. perpetual growing annuity
假设我每年的年金不是固定的5块,而是5块加上每年2.5%的perpetual growth, 那么这个年金的当前价值present value(假定利率仍然是5%)
PV = 5 / ( 5% - 2.5%) = 5/2.5% = 200
我们一直在选用5%作为discount rate,那么对特定的企业如何选择disount rate呢?
a. Risk-free rate
如果我们买国债,那么我们几乎可以肯定我们总是可以拿回本金,因为国家不会破产。投资国债就是无风险投资,这5%的回报是必然可以得到的。显然,任何别的投资的回报不能比这个低,否则我们根本不会投。这个5%,或者说5年期国债利率,就是risk free rate
b. Risk premium
如果我们投资其他任何有风险的企业,我们必然要求一个高于risk free rate的回报率,这之间的差别,就是risk premium,如果我们分散投资到一篮子项目里去,我们可以规避个别企业的风险,但是整体市场的风险无法规避,比如经济低潮,大家都倒霉。一般来说,历史数据告诉我们,对整体市场而言,risk premium大概是7%。
c. Beta
Beta是个别企业风险对整体市场的比例。比如说食品企业,市场再坏,人们都要买东西吃;市场再好,人们也就能吃这么多东西,也就是说,食品企业的风险要比整体市场低,不会太坏也不会太好,beta < 1,因此对食品行业,risk premium<7%。反之,航空业,市场坏了,人们就不坐飞机,不旅游,市场好了,就会出去旅游,因此beta > 1, Risk Premium > 7%
对一个半导体企业,通常beta = 1.3, 那么risk free rate = 5%, Risk Premium = 7%,这个企业的discount rate = Risk Free Rate + Risk Premium * Beta = 5% + 1.3* 7% = 5% + 9.1% = 14.1%
对于一个net income 20M RMB的半导体企业,在不知道任何其他信息的情况下,假设perpetual growth = 5%(中国增长率比较高), Net Income = Free Cash Flow(要有一些调整),discount rate 14.1%
Present Value = 20M /(14.1% - 5%) = 219.78M
Notes: Rapid Growth Period
有的时候,一个公司可能会经历一段高速增长阶段,然后才慢慢进入平缓perpetual growth,这个企业的价值就要高于没有高速增长的公司,假设一个半导体公司估计会在未来高速增长5年,每年20%,然后开始perpetual growth, at 5%
Year 1: 20*(1.2) = 24m
Year2: 28.8m
Year3: 34.56m
Year4: 41.472m
Year5: 49.77m
Year 6 and beyong: 52.25m In Year 6(year5 * 1.05)
Perpetual Growth: 5%
根据perpetual growing model
Value = 52.25 / ( 14.1% - 5%) = 574M
Year 1: 24M , Present Value = 24M/1.141 = 21M
Year2: 28.8m, PV = 28.8M/ 1.141**2 = 22.1M
Year3: 34.56m, PV = 34.56/1.141**3 = 23.3M
Year4: 41.472m, PV = 24.48M
Year5: 49.77m, PV = 25.7M
Year6 and Beyond, 574M , PV= 574M / 1.141**5 = 296.8M
在企业估值中会用到大量假设,需要很多判断,比如未来增长率,Beta,这些在国内还不是很成熟。即使在成熟的美国金融市场,这些判断也需要有经验和丰富行业知识的investment banker。
在缺乏数据的情况下,也需要参考其他类似的,已经上市的公司的价值,也就是ratio analysis, 比较Value/Revenue, Value/NI,等等,可以获得一个参照。
generato: another way to look at -2005-3-25 15:15:07 (371 byte)
A simplified way is to pick an appropriate earnings multiple and time the net income.
It is also based on DCF but is more applicable if there are many assumptions.
Also, controlling premium and liquidity premium must be considered in valuing a company.
Valuing company alone is a huge industry. I cannot even count how many people make a living on 'valuing companies'.
galaxyjump: Multiple comparision is not very useful -2005-3-25 17:34:01 (539 byte)
nor is it based on Cash Flow. Companies vary a lot. DreamWorks and Pixar are both hugely successful film companies, yet Pixar's P/E ratio is double that of DreamWorks, which again doubles that of TimeWarner.
The reason for that is the assumption of growth rate. While Pixar enjoys a pristine record of box hitter, DreamBox has yet to prove itself. Hence the difference of presumed growth rate, and different P/E ratio.
The multiple does offer a range for corporate value by comparing to similar companies in same industry though.
generato: The valuation of companies -2005-3-25 17:50:22 (504 byte)
Indeed valuing company is a difficult task, depending on so many factors. That is why we got stock market swings.
Profit to traders/investors is creately precisely because their superior valuation prediction. (not all the values are created that way, for example, technical traders will have no fun in reading financial statement)
It is even harder to value Chinese companies. If you have expertise, why not shoot me an email:
We can see if any arbitrage is possible here.
跳蚤: Good Analysis -2005-3-25 17:48:04 (0 byte)
parisparis: one problem with DCF -2005-3-25 20:22:31 (429 byte)
it is a theoretically superior model, but
1) forecast about future often impacted by the macroecon,
I mean people tend to be too optimistic and overpay for acquisition during boom time.
forecasts about cash flows are at best an educated guess.
2) very hard to apply for distressed firms, firm in totally new industries, startups.
Anyway, DCF valuation can only be used as a tool to play with the investors.
给企业估价的模型很多,value driven model, Discount Cash Flow model, EVA etc. 另外有人用black shultes option pricing model来给start-up company估值。这些模型虽然很多,但万变不离其宗,都是以discount cash flow(DCF)为基础的,所以本文主要介绍DCF model.
所谓discount cash flow,就是把公司未来所有的free cash flow,用一定的利率折算到现在,其总值即为公司的价值:
a. 公司的根本价值,体现在能从经营活动中产生现金,然后将现金直接分配给股东作为红利或者通过股票升值让股东获利,因此,公司的价值是由cash flow决定的
b. 不同时期的现金的价值不同,手头的100块,买国债明年就可以变成105块,后年变成110.25块,因此明年的105块,后年的110块25分,只相当于今年的100块。105/1.05 = 100, 1.05 -1 =5%就是discount rate。
c. 根据上述原理,把公司明年,后年,大后年。。。一直到永远,每年产生的现金按照(CashFlow)n/(1+discount rate)**n折算到今天,然后加起来,就是公司的价值。
1. Perpetual annuity
5/5% = 100
也就是说,如果每年我能够得到5块钱 forever,利率5%,那么这每年5块 forever就相当于现在的100块钱
2. Perpetual Growth
在估算企业价值的时候,我们总是假设一个企业在未来的某个时刻以后,其赢利的增长和整个经济的增长率相同。因为任何企业,即使目前增长很快,也会逐渐成熟而慢下来,否则很快一个公司的价值会比整个经济还多,而这是不可能的。这就是perpetual growth,一般假设等于2-3%,也就是成熟经济体的自然增长率。
3. perpetual growing annuity
假设我每年的年金不是固定的5块,而是5块加上每年2.5%的perpetual growth, 那么这个年金的当前价值present value(假定利率仍然是5%)
PV = 5 / ( 5% - 2.5%) = 5/2.5% = 200
我们一直在选用5%作为discount rate,那么对特定的企业如何选择disount rate呢?
a. Risk-free rate
如果我们买国债,那么我们几乎可以肯定我们总是可以拿回本金,因为国家不会破产。投资国债就是无风险投资,这5%的回报是必然可以得到的。显然,任何别的投资的回报不能比这个低,否则我们根本不会投。这个5%,或者说5年期国债利率,就是risk free rate
b. Risk premium
如果我们投资其他任何有风险的企业,我们必然要求一个高于risk free rate的回报率,这之间的差别,就是risk premium,如果我们分散投资到一篮子项目里去,我们可以规避个别企业的风险,但是整体市场的风险无法规避,比如经济低潮,大家都倒霉。一般来说,历史数据告诉我们,对整体市场而言,risk premium大概是7%。
c. Beta
Beta是个别企业风险对整体市场的比例。比如说食品企业,市场再坏,人们都要买东西吃;市场再好,人们也就能吃这么多东西,也就是说,食品企业的风险要比整体市场低,不会太坏也不会太好,beta < 1,因此对食品行业,risk premium<7%。反之,航空业,市场坏了,人们就不坐飞机,不旅游,市场好了,就会出去旅游,因此beta > 1, Risk Premium > 7%
对一个半导体企业,通常beta = 1.3, 那么risk free rate = 5%, Risk Premium = 7%,这个企业的discount rate = Risk Free Rate + Risk Premium * Beta = 5% + 1.3* 7% = 5% + 9.1% = 14.1%
对于一个net income 20M RMB的半导体企业,在不知道任何其他信息的情况下,假设perpetual growth = 5%(中国增长率比较高), Net Income = Free Cash Flow(要有一些调整),discount rate 14.1%
Present Value = 20M /(14.1% - 5%) = 219.78M
Notes: Rapid Growth Period
有的时候,一个公司可能会经历一段高速增长阶段,然后才慢慢进入平缓perpetual growth,这个企业的价值就要高于没有高速增长的公司,假设一个半导体公司估计会在未来高速增长5年,每年20%,然后开始perpetual growth, at 5%
Year 1: 20*(1.2) = 24m
Year2: 28.8m
Year3: 34.56m
Year4: 41.472m
Year5: 49.77m
Year 6 and beyong: 52.25m In Year 6(year5 * 1.05)
Perpetual Growth: 5%
根据perpetual growing model
Value = 52.25 / ( 14.1% - 5%) = 574M
Year 1: 24M , Present Value = 24M/1.141 = 21M
Year2: 28.8m, PV = 28.8M/ 1.141**2 = 22.1M
Year3: 34.56m, PV = 34.56/1.141**3 = 23.3M
Year4: 41.472m, PV = 24.48M
Year5: 49.77m, PV = 25.7M
Year6 and Beyond, 574M , PV= 574M / 1.141**5 = 296.8M
在企业估值中会用到大量假设,需要很多判断,比如未来增长率,Beta,这些在国内还不是很成熟。即使在成熟的美国金融市场,这些判断也需要有经验和丰富行业知识的investment banker。
在缺乏数据的情况下,也需要参考其他类似的,已经上市的公司的价值,也就是ratio analysis, 比较Value/Revenue, Value/NI,等等,可以获得一个参照。
generato: another way to look at -2005-3-25 15:15:07 (371 byte)
A simplified way is to pick an appropriate earnings multiple and time the net income.
It is also based on DCF but is more applicable if there are many assumptions.
Also, controlling premium and liquidity premium must be considered in valuing a company.
Valuing company alone is a huge industry. I cannot even count how many people make a living on 'valuing companies'.
galaxyjump: Multiple comparision is not very useful -2005-3-25 17:34:01 (539 byte)
nor is it based on Cash Flow. Companies vary a lot. DreamWorks and Pixar are both hugely successful film companies, yet Pixar's P/E ratio is double that of DreamWorks, which again doubles that of TimeWarner.
The reason for that is the assumption of growth rate. While Pixar enjoys a pristine record of box hitter, DreamBox has yet to prove itself. Hence the difference of presumed growth rate, and different P/E ratio.
The multiple does offer a range for corporate value by comparing to similar companies in same industry though.
generato: The valuation of companies -2005-3-25 17:50:22 (504 byte)
Indeed valuing company is a difficult task, depending on so many factors. That is why we got stock market swings.
Profit to traders/investors is creately precisely because their superior valuation prediction. (not all the values are created that way, for example, technical traders will have no fun in reading financial statement)
It is even harder to value Chinese companies. If you have expertise, why not shoot me an email:
We can see if any arbitrage is possible here.
跳蚤: Good Analysis -2005-3-25 17:48:04 (0 byte)
parisparis: one problem with DCF -2005-3-25 20:22:31 (429 byte)
it is a theoretically superior model, but
1) forecast about future often impacted by the macroecon,
I mean people tend to be too optimistic and overpay for acquisition during boom time.
forecasts about cash flows are at best an educated guess.
2) very hard to apply for distressed firms, firm in totally new industries, startups.
Anyway, DCF valuation can only be used as a tool to play with the investors.
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Hi Arcadia, Out surfing for information on notenetwork & happened upon your site. While 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.
Hi there Arcadia, I had been out looking for some new information on cash flow industry when I found your site and 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 . Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
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Hi there Arcadia, I had been out looking for some new information on business notes when I found your site and 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 . Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
Hi Arcadia, Out surfing for information on cash flow business & happened upon your site. While 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.
Hi there Arcadia, I had been out looking for some new information on notenetwork when I found your site and 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 . Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
Hi there Arcadia, I had been out looking for some new information on cash flow industry when I found your site and 企业估价ABC -- 如何估计一个企业的价值 . Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
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